Friday, May 27, 2011

Moby Dick Gets Hitched!

 Summer Adventure On the Road 2011

We have learned that our beautiful country has many great bike trails where we can enjoy the side roads and stop and smell the flowers.  We planned to take our two Cannondales with us and take part in this adventrue.  So we needed a good bike rack that we could place in the back of Moby Dick, a sort of a tail if you please.We looked on the net and found a Yakima double down for two bikes that could fold part of the way down to allow the back hatch door to open in case we needed to get supplies.  We went ahead and ordered it.

To prepare Moby Dick for this tail piece, we needed a hitch attatchment.  We found a place called the Hitch House and they ordered the right part that would fit the van.  So when the call came that they had gotten the part, I took Moby Dick down and had them install the hitch.  Now this is not just any hitch, but a state of the art HITCH.  Moby Dick never looked so fine! When the rack and the bikes and the bike covers all get assembled, it will certainly look like a fine tail!

John likes this hitch!

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